social sexology - SESSUOLOGIA SOCIALE
Sexual dysfunction with hypothalamo-pituitary disorders
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There is a diffused belief that lesbian, and in general homosexual, relationships are always founded on mutual love and respect for one another. Statistics have shown that lesbian people experience domestic violence at a very similar rate to that of heterosexual women (Waldner-Haugrud, Lisa K., Vaden Gratch, Linda, & Magruder, Brian. Victimization and perpetration rates of violence in gay and lesbian relationships: Gender issues explored. Violence and Victims, 1997, 12 (2), 173-184). It has been estimated that between 17-45% of lesbians have been the victim of at least one act of violence perpetrated by a female partner (Burke, Leslie K., & Follingstad, Diane R. Violence in lesbian and gay relationships: theory, prevalence, and correlational factors. Clinical Psychology Review, 1999,19 (5), 487-512), and that 30% of lesbians have reported sexual assault / rape by another woman. Even if more wide data have been sistematically collected only in recent years, the lack of discussion that takes place regarding lesbian domestic violence and sexual assault seems effect of systematic biases or prejudices.