Degrees and training of the Director Prof. Dr. A. Virgili
Main studieS and qualifications
- Psychological Sciences and Techniques (B.D.) - Psychotechnology(Post Graduate Specialization) - Social Psychiatry(Post Graduate Specialization) - Psychology (Clinical)(M.D. magna cum laude) - Sexology(P.G.Perf.) - Sociology (M.D. magna cum laude) - Social and Health Educator (Master) - Neurosociology (Master - Specialization) - Social Health Studies(Post Graduate Degree) - Medicine Doctor Alternative Medicine (M.D.) - Ayurvedic Medicine(Degree) - Professional Reflexology - Stress management and hypnotherapy - Training Techniques(Master) - Training Procedures and Techniques (Master) - Psychology and Psychopathology of Sexual Behavior (Specializ. Giunti Psychometrics)
- General Sociology (1981-1985) - Social change dynamics (1983-1991) - Methodology and Techniques of Social Research - Social Psychology (1985-1992) - Neurosociology (2011 - today) - Sexology (2012 - today ) - Clinical Reflexology (2014 - today)
Seminars and short courses given
- Psychologyof adolescence (2006-2008) - Psychology and wellness (2009-2013) - Sexology and forensic studies (2015) - Psychosomatic Counselling (2016)
Among the many articles and short essays published, those more related to social medicine, social sexology and social demography, are:
- "Le variazioni dell'accrescimento", in Lineaverde, VI, 8, 1978, Napoli - "I messaggi ansiogeni", in Lineaverde, VII, 12, 1979, Napoli - "Note metodologiche sugli indicatori demografici" in Il Rinnovamento, XII, 98/99, 1982, Napoli - "Alcuni dati sulla contraccezione in Italia", in Il Rinnovamento, XIII, 115, 1983, Napoli - "Il suicidio nell'adolescenza", in Rassegna di Psicologia e Sociologia, I, 4, 1984, Napoli - "Il cambiamento organizzativo nelle strutture sanitarie" in AA.VV. -Il personale delle Unita' Sanitarie Locali in Campania- CNITE, Roma, 1984 - "Sterilità ed infertilità nelle dinamiche demografiche africane" in Africa, XLI, 4, 1986, Roma - "Il potenziale migratorio dell'Est europeo", in Studi Etno-Antropologici e Sociologici, XX, 1992, Napoli - "La contraccezione a mezzo di implants ormonali" di A.Virgili e F.Ferraro in Scienze Psicologiche, II, 6, 1984, Napoli - "La contraccezione nelle adolescenti" di A.Virgili e F.Ferraro in Ricerca Medica, V, 6s, 1984, Napoli - "La valutazione del metodo dell'implanto nella contraccezione" di G.Mele, F.Ferraro, A.Virgili, M.Selvaggio in Archivio dell'Antologia Medica Italiana, V, 1985 Napoli - "Vissuto delle gravide sottoposte a parto cesareo. Contributo clinico statistico" di Ferraro F., Virgili A., Gargiulo L. in Rassegna Medica, n.10-12, 1995 - "Indicazioni attuali e prospettive future della contraccezione a mezzo implants ormonali” di Gargiulo L.,Virgili A.,Ferraro F., Monografia di Ricerca Medica, 1996, Napoli - “Immagini, icone ed immaginario sessuale” ESIC/CSI Monograph Papers, 1996 - "Aspetti sociali e medico legali del parto cesareo" di Ferraro F.,Virgili A., Gargiulo L., Di Vito C., Berlingieri P., Durante Mangoni E. in Quaderni di Medicina e Chirurgia, 13 (1), 1997 - “Riflessologia, medicina naturale e medicina ufficiale: verso una utile integrazione “, in Studi Internazionali, VI, n.u., 1998 - "Indagine epidemiologica sulla contraccezione in Campania" di Di Vito C., Ferraro F., Virgili A., et altri in Rassegna Medica, n.2, aprile-giugno 1999 - “Sessualità e pornografia. Contributi di studio” ESIC m.p., 2000 - “Anomia e migrazione”, in Senza Frontiere, a. I, n. 7, 2004 - “Il sovraccarico informativo”, in in Senza Frontiere, a. II, n. 8, 2005
- Cellule e comunicazione ormonale (2012) - Il sistema delle memorie (2013) - Contraccezione e adolescenti (2013) - I neuroni specchio (2013) - Viaggio nei meccanismi delle emozioni (2013) - Memoria e trauma (2013) - Psicologia dei disastri e disturbi post-traumatici (2013) - Some post traumatic syndromes and their social and health relevance: the global dimension (2013) - I recenti sviluppi della psicosomatica (2014) - Le nuove frontiere della biologia molecolare e delle neuroscienze. Riflessioni epistemologiche (2014) - Reti e canali informativi nel sistema psicosomatico (2014) - Uno specchio per nemico: dismorfofobia (2014) - Post Traumatic Stress Disorders and neural dysregulation in childhood (2014) - Stress e sistema immunitario (2014) - Sessualità, feromoni e neuroscienze (2014) - Alcune riflessioni su condizionamento, traumi e informazione (2014) - Diffusione e sintomatologia dei disturbi post traumatici (2014) - Ritmi ed asincronie in cronobiologia e crono psicologia (2014) - Le adolescenti ed il futuro del pianeta (2015) - Psicologia dell’emergenza e dello stress (2016) - L’intervento crono-riflesso per alleviare gli effetti post-traumatici (2016)
(still under construction . in caricamento articoli e materiali)
Main lectures and conferences
(under construction)
Further courses, seminars and workshops attended (CME - PCD)
The female sexual response: an update (at Baylor College of Medicine)
Validated instruments for assessing female sexual function (BCM - Baylor College of Medicine)
Vulvodynia – Focus on recognition and management (BCM - Baylor College of Medicine)
Talking to patients about sexual dysfunctions: overcoming obstacles (Baylor College of Medicine)
Vacuum therapy for female sexual dysfunction - FSD (Baylor College of Medicine)
Barriers to sexual health after gynaecologic cancer: what should be done? (BCM)
Reccomendations for estrogen and progestogen use in peri-and postmenopausal women - by North American Menopause Society (at Baylor College of Medicine)
Bacterial vaginosis: more than just an office nuisance (Baylor College of Medicine)
Fifty years of family planning: looking back. Looking ahead (Baylor College of Medicine)
The child sexual abuse examination (AHC)
HPV: diagnosis and management (BCM)
Menopause and sexual health: the role of testosterone (ASRM)
The role of oral contraceptives in the management of acne (Baylor College of Medicine)
Should teens be given DMPA? (AHC)
IUDs and special populations (BCM)
Management of premenstrual symptoms (BCM)
Emergency contraception (AHC)
Point-of-care diagnosis of STIs in women (AHC)
Oral contraceptives and smoking (BCM)
Explaining ovulation awareness-based family planning methods (AHC)
Natural family planning (Baylor College Medicine)
Male and female barrier contraceptives (BCM)
Maximizing contraceptive service delivery (BCM)
Menstrual suppression using contraceptives (BCM)
Latest perspectives on antibiotic use in the community (AHC)
The importance of proper diagnosis and treatment of vulvovaginal candidosis (University of Kent.)
Combination oral contraceptives (BCM)
The sexually active adolescent who is uncertain about using contraception (BCM)
Management of dysmenorrhea (BCM)
Overcoming cultural barriers in contraceptive care (BCM)
Sterilization methods for women (BCM)
Cultural competency in the provision of contraceptive service delivery (BCM)
Adolescent sexual risk behaviours and unintended pregnancy (BCM)
Injectable contraceptives (BCM)
An adolescent girl’s first gynaecological visit and what she should know about contraception (BCM)
RAPID: rheumatoid arthritis primary care initiative for improved diagnosis and outcomes (HMS)
Contraceptive options for your obese patients (CME2)
The obesity crisis: the epidemic, the consequences, the solution (BCM)
Imported malaria, hepatitis B infection and vaccine coverage, treatment of cholera (AHC)
Alternatives to HRT for the treatment of menopausal symptoms (Univ. Florida)
Mental health sequelae of extreme violence (HMS)
Endocrine emergencies (HMS)
Validated instruments for assessing female sexual function (BCM)
Challenging cases in toxicology (HMS)
Lifestyle medicine for weight management (HMS)
Ordinary doses of vitamin D linked to lower mortality (Medscape)
Calcium, vitamin D intake may lower risk for premenopausal breast cancer (Medscape)
Tomatoes, cucumbers and fish protect against childhood wheeze and atopy (Medscape)
Female Sexual Dysfunction and Depression: Addressing Cause and Effect (BCM)
Insomnia Update: Evaluation and New Treatments (AHC)
Female Sexual Desire and Aging (BCM)
Antenatal Care (Global Health Learning Center USAID)
Integrated Medicine (FIIM, UK)
Food Allergy (AHC)
Oil of lemon eucalyptus as an insect repellent (AHC)
Liability issues in complementary, alternative and integrative medicine (HMS)
A challenge for the pediatrician: the adolescent interview (Baylor College of Medicine)
Overview of complementary and alternative medicine (Cine-Med)
Integrative medicine (Cine-Med)
Herbs and other dietary supplements (Cine-Med)
Acupuncture: an evidence-based assessment (Cine-Med)
Complementary and alternative medicine and aging (Cine-Med)
Mind-Body Medicine (Cine-Med)
Manipulative and Body-based therapies: chiropractic and spinal manipulation (Cine-Med)
Health and spirituality (Cine-Med)
Obstetrical/Gynaecological complications of celiac disease (Cme2)
ACF Caring for children and adolescents: Eating disorders (Amer. Academy Family Physicians)
ACF Caring for children and adolescents: Violence in youth (AAFP)
ACF Caring for children and adolescents: Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents (AAFP)
Traffic pollution and decreased lung function in children and adolescents (Medscape)
Cannabis use linked with risk for psychosis in later life (Medscape)
Cocoa, but not tea, lowers blood pressure (Medscape)
Fruit and vegetable intake may improve bone mineral content (Medscape)
Hand hygiene promotion decreases healthcare-associated infections in very-low-birth-weight neonates (Medscape)
New advances 2006 from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (Medscape)
Current recommended vitamin D intake may not be optimal (Medscape)
Vitamin D appears to cut breast and colorectal cancer risk (Medscape)
Radiation attack: medical and psychological management (Medscape)
Exercise improves survival in obese women with breast cancer (Medscape)
Peppermint oil may relieve digestive symptoms, headaches (Medscape)
Nasal saline may be effective for chronic rhinosinusitis (Medscape)
Many clinicians believe religion, spirituality benefit patients’ health (Medscape)
Midday napping slows heart disease (Medscape)
Lifestyle and complementary therapies for ADHD: how health professionals can approach patients (Medscape)
Fish oil added to statin therapy reduces risk for major coronary events (Medscape)
High vegetable intake linked to lower risk for BPH (Medscape)
Tea Drinking May Help Protect Against Cognitive Impairment and Decline (Medscape)
Coffee and Tea May Protect Against Stroke (Medscape)
The Role of Thyroid Autoimmunity in Fertility and Pregnancy (Medscape)
Natural remedies for Iperactive and stressed children (LSA)
Family and sexual counseling (Family and marriage guidance Bureau)
Basic Life Support and defibrillation (BLS-D)
Quality procedures in health system, AICQ
An evidence based review of herbal therapies and DHEA supplementation for the treatment of FSD (Baylor College of Medicine)
Evolving concepts in the classification and diagnosis of FSD (Baylor College of Medicine)
Supplements for improving fertility in women (AHC)
Sexual orientation and gender identity in adolescence (Erickson)
Cutting, burning, branding: self injurious behavior in adolescence (Erickson)
Neuroscience and adolescent brain (Erickson)
Teens in the mirror: Body image and Self between the real and the virtual (Erickson)
Psychopathological disorders in adolescence: risk factors and prevention (Erickson)
Sexuality and intellectual disability (Erickson)
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Abusive Head Trauma (ISPCAN)